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i don't get it...  Go to the Screwed Signup challenge

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i don't get it...
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Hello Community,

i stuck on this challenge.

It would be a great hint for me to know if the title means something like "screw the thoughts about sql injection".. Smile

But to be honest i don't have any idea, tried some stupid things but nothing seems to direct to the right way.

So any hint is very welcome. Smile

Have a nice day
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i don't get it...
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I am not sure if you are aware of this hint:

It is not only a single bug. Multiple bugs sum up to funny priviledge escalation.
There is a mysql and php/regex bug involved to gain admin level.

The title "Screwsql" is a bit misleading maybe... Hope this post puts you back on track Smile

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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i don't get it...
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I've got it Smile

thanks for the hint!
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i don't get it...
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You are very welcome Smile

I like to thank you as well, for pointing out that the title is quite misleading.

Also nice that there is finally some hint now ;)

In wechall4 the challenge title will be "Screwed Signup"
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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