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"Your account is not linked to wechall itself" message on OTW

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"Your account is not linked to wechall itself" message on OTW
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I have followed the directions on OTW and successfully altered my .bashrc and .ssh/config files with my username and token.

I can ssh to server and solve the chellenges without problem. I can echo my environmental variables on server.

When I ssh through a server and run wechall command, I got this strange error/warning?

result: SUCCESS Your account is not linked to wechall itself.

BTW, wechall command works and changes status on

How can I link my account to wechall?

Thank you.
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"Your account is not linked to wechall itself" message on OTW
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Could be the error message is highly misleading.
Please try to link your wechall account to OTW.
You can do this under your profile / linked sites (default tab).
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RE: "Your account is not linked to wechall itself" OTW
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I have fixed the issue by linking OTW in my profile. I haven't noticed that place before. Now I got the right message

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