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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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Not with this particular site no, but i had similar with my own site Revolution Elite in the past and found the solution by following this:

Try it and see Smile
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Thnx for your reply. However, it didn't work for me.
So I will do some challenges @work then ;-)
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There are a few reasons why you'd get this kind of behaviour. First check is that DNS is working (should be If not you could try adding a static entry on your machine, or change name servers. Various DNS servers have non standard configs that make things break in weird ways.

Check you can reach the IP. It responds to ping, but somewhere its setup is strange because it drops a lot of packets when pinging from different places at once. Put the IP in your browser - it should redirect to a web hosting page. If you can't reach the IP it's probably some routing issue somewhere between your ISP and the server. You could try a traceroute and see where it gets stuck (not that you'd be able to do anything about it, but at least it would give you some kind of diagnosis).

The info in the link appears to involve changing your IP, which would obviously help if you've been IP blocked (I don't know how likely that is).

Or, just do the challenges at work Smile
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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I don't seem to be able to link my (recently created) ThisIsLegal account to WeChall. Is this a known problem at the moment?
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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Seems they broke something with their latest changes, I (and several other people) already informed the admins some weeks ago Sad
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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Today i finally checked out the problem on the wechall side.
It seems like ThisIsLegal did not like some urlencode() for the @ character.

You can see the changeset here:

I hope the patch does not break any other linking, but it should be unlikely Smile

Thanks to all for reporting the problem and
Happy Challenging!
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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ThisIsLegal is down since at least 8 hours ago.

Edit 17:30h 26th july 2012
It's ok now.
Last edited by kijibwa - Jul 26, 2012 - 18:33:24
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There seems to be a problem with the site atm.
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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Yes, perms changed, sounds no good. I hope they can repair and wake-up, it's a easy but interesting site.

Edit: A banner tell us now: "Sorry, but we are experiencing some issues at the moment that need to be resolved. Please check back soon. - Thisislegal"

Good news.

Edit (14/09/2012)

Online again.
Last edited by tunelko - Sep 14, 2012 - 13:19:29
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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I can't link thisislegal to wechall, I get: The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on ThisIsLegal.
is there a problem again?
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