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AreThereManyAnswers?  Go to the The Last Hope challenge

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I found the answer and got the following message :
"Correct !! The solution is username_password"

So I input the answer on the We Chall in the form of "username_password".
But this answer was not accepted.

Let me know if I'm wrong.
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RE: AreThereManyAnswers?
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You are wrong! Smile

The right answer should be pretty clear.
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RE: AreThereManyAnswers?
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I tried to input the following patterns:
(1) "username_password"
(2) <username>_<password>
(<username> is found by investigating the function user_check in executable file.
<password> is found by investigating the function pw_check in executable file)
But both patterns were not accepted.

I think again.
Last edited by NewGodzilla - Aug 27, 2016 - 16:20:33
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RE: AreThereManyAnswers?
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The "pattern" is not the problem. If you want, you can PM me what you have.
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