The task
Your task is simple. Just compute the equation and submit the result as number in the solution-base.
Please use the provided charset for your computations.
For example, the uppercase hex charset is 0123456789ABCDEF. The charsets here are case-sensitive.
Base N means the base is using the first N chars from the charset.
Charset: #lW3Pd@vEzFp{aM6oYK9}q[Ukh5rDJ2fitxB8RyAwXCNZQH4_Vu]7LOTejcnbgmS10sIG
Input Base: 59
Solution Base: 31
Timelimit: 3.1416 seconds
BfHN * jwdp * UP9c * @]rO * TaaD * lqTh] *
U5k4 * VNaW * huRP * kjMR * @DAy * lpRu} *
pAk# * 6ePO * V7rD * @jQZ * aJfy * l6MP8 *
lFKFJ * Mp3@ * ZXU * j5Ef * k}7_
+ lEUqR
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